The National Manufacturing Exhibition – Addressing Industry Challenges

Integration, automation, and making better use of data – these are items on the agenda of most manufacturing facilities in Ireland. They apply in all industries, but they are particularly important in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and food and beverage industries, not least because of compliance and regulatory pressures.

Taking it a stage further, most manufacturing operations know these three areas – integration, automation, and making better use of data – are priorities. However, significant challenges exist in their implementation.

The Challenges

There are no consistent data standards across vendors and platforms, for example. This means you can get data from an individual machine, but this doesn’t tell you much about your overall production line or allow you to compare or share data between machines/lines.

When your systems can’t use data across machines, integration of those machines, data-driven comparisons, and functionality becomes impossible.

As a result of this lack of integration, you can’t automate processes.

This leaves you with unnecessary and inefficient manual processes that are riskier to your business and considerably costlier than the automated alternatives. Plus, your machines may produce data, but you won’t be able to use that data to drive process improvement and comparison in a consistent manner within the organisation.

The Solution

SL Controls has developed a solution that addresses these challenges. It is a new product that we are launching at the National Manufacturing Exhibition next week.

It is a product rather than a service, so we can implement it in your production line quickly. However, as it is a product, you benefit from economies of scale which means costs are low. In fact, the cost of implementing our new product is about half the cost of developing a bespoke solution offering the same benefits.

While it is a product, it is modularised and configurable. In other words, we can completely customise it for your facility, ensuring it delivers according to your specific business objectives. This means you choose the modules you want and leave out those you don’t want.

We’ll then configure the models you select to integrate them into your existing systems.

Get the Benefits of a Modern Production Facility

The benefits of implementing this new SL Controls product are considerable. You can read about these benefits on our launch announcement page. On that page, you can also find out more details about the National Manufacturing Exhibition and the official product launch, where everything will be unveiled.

There is a form on that page as well where you can book a timeslot to speak to a member of our team. We’d love to show you how the new product works and how you can improve OEE in your production line by up to 20 percent. We look forward to seeing you.