Reinforcing Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Reinforcing Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a central priority for SL Controls, so we took the opportunity last week on National Diversity and Inclusion Day to reinforce our commitment to making positive changes.

This included launching company-wide unconscious bias training as well as our second DEI employee survey. The survey aims to capture the views of all colleagues to help guide future DEI activities and initiatives.

On the day our DEI Group gathered for an in-person meeting at our Limerick office where we enjoyed a lunch featuring Indian cuisine. It was wonderful to come together, discuss DEI issues, and sample dishes from our colleagues’ home cultures.

SL Controls DEI Group

Shauna Ryan, Director of People & Culture at SL Controls said: “DEI is an ongoing, daily focus for SL Controls. It was important to mark National Diversity and Inclusion Day, but it is more important to ensure we continuously strive to make real and impactful change.

“There are so many examples in society where DEI standards fall short. At SL Controls, we strive to both set an example and learn from the best practices of others. Central to this is understanding the opinions and experiences of our diverse team as we all have a contribution to make when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”